



只需要5分鐘就能完成退換貨申請,請按這裏填寫網上退換貨表格 (需於收貨後填寫。若收貨前填寫,表格一律作廢

  • 我們提供14天換貨退款保證
  • 你可選擇換新產品退款至你原來的付款方式以禮品卡形式收取款項。若以禮品卡方式收回款項,你可以更快收到退款,並於下次購物時使用!
  • 請連同貨品及其原本包裝完整寄回。
  • 以加購價購買的產品不設退款服務。
  • 如客人以優惠價購買產品,其後退回部分產品將不享有優惠,並以原價計算沒有退貨的貨品價值。
  • 訂單一經確認,以任何理由取消訂單,將會收取港幣$100行政費。客人可以選擇更改訂單一次或者收到貨品後申請退回。
  • 退貨或換貨所產生的運費或其他費用由寄方自付。
  • 如有任有爭議,花之滴保留最終決定權。



方法1. 寄到柴灣辦公室

  1. 請先填寫網上退換貨表格   (需於收貨後填寫。若收貨前填寫,表格一律作費)
  2. 然後將貨品*退回以下地址:



收件人:Floroma Limited

電話:+852 9885 0262

*請在退件上寫上你的訂單號碼 想換的貨,方便同事跟進!



方法2. 到柴灣辦公室辦理退換貨

  1. 請先填寫網上退換貨表格 (需於收貨後填寫。若收貨前填寫,表格一律作費)
  2. 於表格選擇到柴灣辦公室辦理退換貨
  3. 到Facebook @myfloroma 跟我們客服預約上門換貨時間。
  4. 帶同貨品,於約定的時間前往我們的辦公室退換貨。


辦公時間:星期一至五,9:30am- 6:30pm (12:00-2:00pm 是午飯時間)

//14 days exchange and return services only available for Hong Kong and Macau Customers//

All the exchange or return decision must be made and contact us within 14 days upon the receipt of products. We will not accept any exchange or return requests after 14 days.

Can I exchange my order?

Of course you can! If you would like to exchange one item for another, you must first fill in the form HERE.

 You will received an email of confirming your request. Please follow the shipping instructions in the email and ship the parcel back to us!

 If the new item you picked is cheaper than the one you have bought, you will be refunded for the price difference. Note that if the new item is more expensive than the original item, you might have to pay for the corresponding price difference.

You can also choose to receive your refund as gift card, which will enable you to purchase a replacement item quickly and seamlessly.


Can I return my item?

Yes we do accept return and refund from HK and Macao customers. Please first fill in the form HERE.

You can select how you would like to receive the refund (either refund to your original payment method or refund in the form of gift card credit) in the form.

Please send your return to:

Attn: Floroma Limited

Telephone: +852 9885 0262

Address: Unit 2, 13/F, Paramount Building, 12 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 


Can I do a refund if I don't like the perfume received?

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product and get a full refund or exchange the product for another one.
Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original packaging. 

Once we receive your item, we will notify you that we have received your returned item. If your return is approved, we will refund by default using your original payment method or other method you have stated in advance.You will receive the credit within a certain amount of day, depending on your card issuer’s policies.


Can I come to your office to do refund and exchange?

Sure! Our office address : Unit 2, 13/F, Paramount Building, 12 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

You can come during our office hour, Monday to Friday, from 9:30am to 6:30pm (12:00-2:00pm is lunch hour). Please first fill in the form HERE.

Please contact us @myfloroma after you submitted the request form. We will reserve a time for you to do the return and exchange. Remember to bring the received items with you.


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 2ml 香水
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 英國梨與小蒼蘭納米消毒搓手液 English Pear and Freesia Hand Sanitizer
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滿$1500送普洱香水 10ml Get 1 gift for 100% OFF
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 「抱你·普洱香水」《Pu'er Tea》
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 FLOROMA 繁花帆布托特包 Blossom Garden Canvas Bag
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限時加購優惠 - 卡片式防蚊香水 Get 3 gift for $0.00 OFF
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3 variants selected
限時加購優惠 - 白櫻花香氛洗手液 Get 5 gift for $304.00 OFF
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限時加購優惠 - 防流感納米消毒噴霧50ML Get 3 gift for $0.00 OFF
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 【加購價$138】納米消毒噴霧 50ml
【加購價$138】納米消毒噴霧 50ml
$2,602.80 $599.32
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限時加購優惠 - 柑橘香水10ml Get 1 gift for $304.00 OFF
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 柑橘香水 《Tangerine》
柑橘香水 《Tangerine》
$1,848.39 $729.61
購買柳月香水送【茶香10ml香水】 Get 1 gift for 100% OFF
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 「抱你·普洱香水」《Pu'er Tea》
「抱你·普洱香水」《Pu'er Tea》
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 身體護理油 Body Oil 2ml sample
身體護理油 Body Oil 2ml sample
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 香氛身體乳液旅行裝 60ml
香氛身體乳液旅行裝 60ml
$0.00 $0.00